Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Metamorphosis Ticket

In a modern world, can one find sanctuary? If so, where?
I think it is possible for a person to find sanctuary in a modern world, but as time passes sanctuaries change, and as responsibilities increase it is harder to find true sanctuary. In Metamorphosis, Gregor's room had been his sanctuary growing up. He had always had the same furniture and he framed a picture he could look at and dream about. When he was home from traveling for work he could go there and find some form of peace, but after he transforms into a bug, the sanctuary that been his bedroom turns into a prison of sorts. He cannot go out for fear of getting hit with a cane or apple, and the room begins to feel too small for him. It is not a place of comfort anymore. It is a place where he just exists out of the way of others. Plus, with Gregor's family dependent on him working, his confinement to his room allows him to hear his family discussing the woes of their financial situation. He had been the provider, but then he transformed and was confined to his room knowing that the rest of his family would have to work and struggle to get by. His sister would not be able to go to the school like he had planned. The knowledge of the people he has let down by transforming into a bug constantly weighs on his mind and prevents him from finding sanctuary because he cannot escape his thoughts.

Crime and Punishment/Metamophosis

Both Crime and Punishment and Metamorphosis have instances where the difference between illusion and reality is questioned. In Crime and Punishment Porfiry seems to know about Raskolnikov's guilt from very early on, but he does not directly say it and he arrests another man for the crime. Throughout the novel Rasko struggles to determine whether Porfiry really knows of the guilt and the arrest of Nikoly is a show or Porfiry is pretending/assuming to know of Rasko's guilt and putting on a show to gain a true confession. Rasko tries to determine what the reality is partially by talking to Razumihin and the doctor to find out details about the case, but ultimately Rasko becomes ill, delirious, and paranoid partially because he cannot figure out what is real. Does Porfiry really know or is he just playing mind games hoping for a confession? In Metamorphosis, Gregor, the narrator, transforms into a bug and spends his days crawling around his room. Throughout the story, the reader, not the characters, questions whether Gregor has truly become a bug. Because he is the narrator and the thoughts of no other characters are revealed it is possible that Gregor simply thinks he has become a bug when in reality he could have become ill or insane.